Des Martiens sont venus au Sahara pour se faire dessiner sur des parois rocheuses. Et des squelettes de géants ont été trouvés en Arabie saoudite, confirmant le Coran. De l'autre côté du globe, des astronautes extra-terrestres chassaient le dinosaure avec des haches au Pérou. Vous y croyez ? Alors, c'est peut-être une bonne idée de lire ce livre, recueil d'articles sur les plus beaux mensonges et illusions en archéologie.
1/4 Le rappel annuel 🥵 que la SUPERBE appli gratuite et sans pub #OrganicMaps affiche les points d'eau potable ! Et en plus, il y a maintenant le rendu Randonnée qui les affiche direct sur la carte avec 💧 !
Données🗺️#OpenStreetMap donc vous pouvez les compléter vous-même !

We've signed an open letter to the European Commission in support for @EC_NGI
Their funding has enabled us and many other FLOSS projects to develop and maintain great software, from which everybody benefits.
However, their own funding is probably cut next year, which would have a big negative impact to FLOSS projects.
Read more at:
I don't see how the wording of the second paragraph would include the option of such restrictions. That said, the text of the law is perhaps too vague and a reference to a list of licenses, or to something endorsable by the FSF or OSI would have been much clearer.
From about 2h31 minutes after the start in, there is a presentation on that law.
This long-form essay is truly one of the most incredible things I've ever read about the everyday ideas and hatreds that birthed Nazism, and it's been published in The Guardian of all places.
"My family and other Nazis"
Writing at length and with deep introspection, Martin Pollack details his life growing up in post-war Austria, and his experience of coming to grips with his family of devout Nazis who absolutely never gave up the beliefs and ideology that led them to support Hitler, join various Nazi organizations (including the Gestapo), commit atrocities in support of Nazism, and live on believing the same ideas until their passing; apparently without a single ounce of remorse.
"My family were all Nazis. My grandfather and grandmother. My mother and my father. My stepfather, my uncle – literally all of them were hardcore Nazis during the second world war. And after? Not a single one changed their convictions or voiced any regrets for the Nazi crimes. On the contrary, they denied or justified them, including the Holocaust and mass murder committed with their knowledge and, worst of all, sometimes their active participation. We were not exceptional – in Austria and Germany, there were many families like ours."
As I mentioned above, this is an extremely long, and personal essay but after reading it, two major things really stuck out to me as both haunting, and ominous for our present moment during the rise of a rebooted form of overt, violent fascism.
The first thing that struck me is how absolutely chilling and contemporary this essay is, despite the fact that Pollack is writing about the beliefs, attitudes and motivations of his family members (and many other Austrians living around them) in the interwar period of the 1930's. This focus on the everyday beliefs and antipathies of regular people in his own life that would go on to become literal Nazis, and remain unrepentant Nazis long after the war ended, both demystifies the story of "how Nazism happened" but also puts the phenomenon of Nazism into an all too familiar context for anyone reading his story in the here and now. When Pollack writes about what his family believed, and taught their children, he could just as well be describing the beliefs and ideas of contemporary right wing and reactionary families in our present culture, and indeed he takes a few moments to point that out himself:
"Almost 80 years after the end of the war, how is it possible that such strong echoes of national socialism remain apparently attractive? Why are people, living in peaceful times, in a democracy with all its benefits, planning to undermine and destroy that very system while aiming to revive the ideology and methods of the past? Hate speech, xenophobia, racism, thoughts of the superiority of a master race, the admiration of a strong man, a Führer, who rules with an iron fist, are gaining ground as if nazism had never happened. This afflicts not only Germany and Austria, but also other countries, including those with deeply embedded democratic traditions."
The second thing that struck me about this article isn't really something that Pollack focuses on, but rather something he interweaves throughout the piece; the act of "forgetting" the details of the atrocities, and the construction of "official stories" that transform Nazism from something that everyday reactionaries did willingly and with full intent, into something that was imposed on them by presumably Hitler. Although Pollack doesn't explore it much, I know from my studies of history that this forgetting and construction of official histories that aren't really histories, served the larger purpose of uniting the so-called West in anticipation of the then-brewing Cold War. Regardless of the validity of those decisions, these actions and acts of forgetting have largely served to re-mystify the ethos of Nazism and the story of "how it happened" in such a way that has left our society very vulnerable to the return of overt, violent, even genocidal fascism today. None of this will be news to left wing scholars of fascism, but collectively as a society we don't seem to know that what we're looking at all across the Pig Empire is a fascist rebirth not functionally dissimilar to the ideas and ideology that lead to the formation of the Nazi State and its atrocities, because what we've been allowed to remember, the official story, very much leaves out the "how it happened" part and the mundane, everyday antipathy and hatred that gave rise to literally the rule of Hitler, and Nazi atrocities. "Never forget" only works if you know what the real story is to remember; and it's worth reading Pollack's essay as a reminder of just how cheap, common, and contemporary that story really is.
IRC quote of the day: "When a foreign govt releases a program that cripples computers across a nation it's called a cyber attack. When a corporation does it, it's called Windows Update." #freesoftware #softwarefreedom
L’Union Européenne doit poursuivre le financement des logiciels libres
J'avais raté cela : #ChatGPT version 4o (comme Omni) permet de manipuler des tableaux. On peut faire remplir des Excel par une IA. Ça, c'est un vrai progrès pour délivrer l'humanité de ses chaînes.